Managing and monetizing investments in technology

ETI has a rich history of experience guiding our clients by aligning with industry and technology leaders to recognize opportunities and strategic advantages.

We manage each step of the process starting with clear roadmaps for investing in specific technologies and bring the ideal partners together to create an ROI.

Process steps include: ideation, evaluation, capitalization, intellectual property management, potential partner review, negotiation, development, testing, confirmation, recommendation, implementation, commercialization, and end of life management.
Significant Projects
Industry Opportunity           Technology
Wireless shopping
Multi-network solutions
Self checkout
Automated checkout solutions  
Pharmacy Customer communication Short format targeted video
Material science  Oil & gas Amorphous metal hardbanding
Retail Digital signage Electronic shelf labels & video signage
Healthcare  Physician to patient communication Short format video push platform
Retail Video management system IP cameras and wireless access points
Retail Customer loyalty and digital incentives Wireless location based push platform 
Retail  Global e-Commerce solutions Multi-platform internet liquidation solutions
Logistics  Track and find lost packages Predictive analytic algorithms  
Healthcare  Digital patient chart Wireless handheld computers
Logistics Cold chain management  Wireless sensors software tools
Logistics Rail and cellular infrastructure Fiberoptic cabling & railroad partnership
Material science Erosion and corrosion control Amorphous metal coatings